
5 Best Impulse Control Activities for Kids Free Egg Basket Printable Craft

Ever notice how our little ones can be a ball of energy, jumping from one thing to another? These impulse control activities for kids are fun, engaging and most importantly, get kids to understand emotions and how we handle them. It’s all part of the fun, but sometimes those quick decisions leave us wondering. That’s where impulse control comes in – it’s like a superhero power for kids to think before they leap into action.

Today, let’s chat about how we can help our kids become awesome decision-makers. We’ll explore games, easy breathing tricks, and even dive into a cool Easter Egg Basket activity. Get ready for a journey into making our kids the bosses of their emotions and choices, all while having a blast!

Ever notice how our little ones can be a ball of energy, jumping from one thing to another? These impulse control activities for kids are fun, engaging and most importantly, get kids to understand emotions and how we handle them.

What are Impulse Control Activities for Kids?

Hey there, parents and caregivers! Ever wonder why your little one sometimes acts on a whim without thinking it through? Well, that’s where impulse control comes into play. Impulse control is like the superhero power that helps kids think before they act, making them masters of self-regulation.

How Do We Teach Impulse Control?

Teaching impulse control might sound daunting, but fear not! It’s all about nurturing those decision-making skills in your young ones. Picture this: you’re at the grocery store, and your kid spots a shiny toy. Before they dive into impulsive pleas, here’s a chance to practice.

Share Your Own Stories

One way to connect with your kids about impulse control is by sharing your own experiences. Remember that time you wanted a chocolate bar but decided to save it for later? Tell them about it! Sharing personal anecdotes can make the concept more relatable.

What Are Some Ways Kids Learn Impulse Control?

Now, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how to make impulse control a part of your child’s daily routine.

1. Games and Activities:

Impulse control activities for kids can be both fun and educational. Engage in games that require patience and decision-making. Ever tried playing “Simon says”? It’s not just a classic; it’s a sneaky way to teach your little ones about waiting for instructions.

2. Breathing Exercises:

Believe it or not, simple breathing exercises can do wonders for impulse control. Teach your kids to take a deep breath when they feel a surge of impulsivity. It’s like a pause button for their actions.

3. Establish Routines:

Kids thrive on routines. Knowing what to expect helps them develop a sense of control over their environment. So, keep those bedtime stories and meal times consistent.

How to Use the Easter Egg Basket Printable

Now, let’s get hands-on with a cool activity that combines the joy of Easter with practicing impulse control.

Ever notice how our little ones can be a ball of energy, jumping from one thing to another? These impulse control activities for kids are fun, engaging and most importantly, get kids to understand emotions and how we handle them.

Easter Egg Basket Printable: A Creative Way to Learn

Materials Needed:

– Download here the Easter egg basket printable – Emotions Egg Basket Template or click on the picture below to sign up to the form:

Ever notice how our little ones can be a ball of energy, jumping from one thing to another? These impulse control activities for kids are fun, engaging and most importantly, get kids to understand emotions and how we handle them.

Be sure to sign up to download this free craft printable below.

– Scissors

– Glue

– Crayons or markers


1. Download the Easter Egg Basket Printable:

Get your hands on the Easter egg basket printable [get your Easter egg template printable here]. It’s a fun and colorful resource that’ll make learning about impulse control a breeze.

2. Cut Out the Eggs:

Ever notice how our little ones can be a ball of energy, jumping from one thing to another? These impulse control activities for kids are fun, engaging and most importantly, get kids to understand emotions and how we handle them.

Grab those scissors and carefully cut out the emotion-filled Easter eggs. Each egg features an emotion, like anger or excitement.

3. Fill in the Emotion:

Let your kiddo express themselves! Have them color in the emotions on each egg. It’s like giving emotions a vibrant makeover.

4. Choose a Behavior:

Now comes the exciting part. On the back of each egg, your child gets to decide what behavior they’ll choose when they feel that emotion. It’s empowering!

5. Glue Onto the Basket:

Stick those emotion-filled eggs onto the basket. It’s like creating a visual guide for your child’s emotions and choices.

6. Discuss and Celebrate:

Take a moment to chat with your little one about their choices. Celebrate their thoughtful decisions and reinforce the idea that they have the power to choose their reactions.

Download the Easter Egg Basket Printable.

The full set which includes the editable names and some more options for the eggs is coming soon!

Ever notice how our little ones can be a ball of energy, jumping from one thing to another? These impulse control activities for kids are fun, engaging and most importantly, get kids to understand emotions and how we handle them.

4 More Printable Impulse Control Activities

These activities below are perfect for teaching kids all about dealing with their emotions.

Minion Emotions Craft

Looking for a super simple and fun Minion paper plate craft? Need a quick craft to teach feelings? This emotions craft is a super fun addition to your SEL lesson plans. The template is provided below and you can modify this to suit any learner. 

Social Emotional Learning Check-In Journal

From the author: “This FREE Social Emotional Learning Daily Check-In Journal Sample Pack is designed to not only teach your students SEL skills, but also helps you to check in on your students’ social and emotional wellness. Great for morning meetings, journal writing, and school counseling interventions.”

Feelings Scales

From the author: “

Help kids identify their emotions with this FREE Feelings Scale. Emotion identification is not only the first step to self-regulation, but it is also a coping skill in and of itself.”

Self regulation Emotions Feelings

From the author: “This activity is designed to assist students learning emotion recognition skills, emotion regulation, feels, behavior management etc.

Impulse control for kids is all about fostering thoughtful decision-making. Whether through games, breathing exercises, or creative activities like the Easter Egg Basket printable, teaching this skill can be both effective and enjoyable. So, parents, gear up, have fun, and watch your little ones become masters of their impulses!

So, that’s the scoop, everyone! Teaching my kids about impulse control doesn’t have to be all serious business; it can be a ton of fun.

Whether we’re sharing our stories or playing games together, it’s all about helping my little ones make smart choices. And don’t forget the cool Easter Egg Basket activity – a super fun way to show them the power of making their own decisions.

Ever notice how our little ones can be a ball of energy, jumping from one thing to another? These impulse control activities for kids are fun, engaging and most importantly, get kids to understand emotions and how we handle them.

As a parent, I’m not just guiding them; I’m right there with them on this journey of learning and growing. Cheers to celebrating those little wins, encouraging smart choices, and watching my kids become real pros at handling their impulses!

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